Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Oh Yeah?

I know, it is a very unusual title for an ordinary poem, but pardon me and my ignorance if, as usual, I can’t meet all the expectations.

Oh yeah, before I forget, how could I forget about you and your unusual and extraordinary lifestyle, pardon me if I dedicate your extra to the ordinary – usually unusual has that extra...

Oh yeah, what is the point to point out my mistakes
– when the point of the pen is put to the paper
– as the pen unleashes a life of its own
– manifests itself on paper, every letter feels overthrown

Inspiration – narrated so many times
Liberation – requested, finally it rhymes
Hold back
I have a stack
Of things to do
Not everything revolves around me, what about you?

Oh yeah, pardon me – I was about to tell
Your story – it might be a good sell

Oh yeah?
Put the stress on the ‘Oh’ – leave the ‘Yeah’ over there
Surprised as I am
Somebody placed a ban
On our title

Oh yeah? As if it was vital…
Don’t worry
It’s still about me and your story
Let me take a deep breath!
Like a hero, taking his last before death.

That sounds dramatic!
I doubt though my readership prefers it romantic
My friend, the prologue has been prolonged
You promised your poem turns out to be strong.

We call this poem:

– Freedom of Speech –

Even if freedom is beyond our reach
The very moment you come close to his personal space
Is the very moment you spit in his face
So what is freedom without showing respect
For his faith, except for the fact
That it is what freedom expects

Freedom of speech

Even if freedom is beyond our reach
It might be different, the way you perceive
My thoughts – didn’t receive any relief
Mogadishu is still devastated
Maybe it was me who hesitated
I wish I had the courage as a five year old
To stand tall, who knew what the future would hold

Dear mother, you were not much older than me today, back then
Your strength and your love is something I will never comprehend
I remember those nights
Those fights
People dying for space on a packed boat
You held us together – even if it looked like the end of the road
I still smell the sick, the blood and misery of the people
Your arms, our shelter – wrapped in your garment – heaven sent, safe from evil
Dear father, I couldn’t ask for a better
Man to be my father, you sensed the stormy weather
You had so many losses – I still cherish your biography
Peace is your philosophy

Freedom of speech

Even if freedom is beyond our reach
I was never into politics
Still my friend, I am aware of the conflicts
While I wrote about Liberté, Égalité et Fraternité
Revolution was overdue in Tunesia – C’est passé
Now everyone talks about Egypt and Yemen
Everyone seems to know better – I don’t blame them
Leave the power to the people and history
There are other ways than blood shed – to victory

Freedom of speech

Even if freedom is beyond our reach
You don’t know me and my mistakes
And still you know what breaks
A person’s spirit
There is no choice but to get on with it
Hold the mirror up to me
Even if the image you see
Seems so low
What makes you better – even if I’m slow
Like the clock on the wall
You hear my call

You say

– Freedom of Speech –

Is your way?

What is your freedom based on?
I guess I was wrong
Even if the hypocrite is slow of speech,
He still has the freedom to preach!

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